Saturday, 28 July 2012

Digital and electronic inks

Digital and electronic inks
Non-impact printing (NIP) technology ('plateless printing') is becoming popular these days, with the proliferation of computers, office copiers, fax machines and laser printers, and home and office ink jet printers. By definition, NIP accepts electronic input (for example, digital) and uses 'impactless' electrostatic, dielectric inkjet, thermal transfer or magnetic printing technologies to put an image onto substrates. Digital printing is the merging of the graphic design system (scanner or computer) with the printing unit.
Inkjet technology is the fast growing segment in the NIP sector (Chem. Br., August 2000, p39). Here an electrical pulse forces the printer to eject an ink drop. The ink for this purpose has the same general composition as other inks, but has some special characteristics: for example, very small particle sizes are required to pass through the fine nozzle and very low viscosity is needed for free ink flow. Drop on Demand (DOD) and Continuous Ink Jet (CIJ) are the two main inkjet printing technologies. Piezo Ink Jet DOD technology, in which a piezo crystal pushes a drop of the ink when prompted by a frequency regulated energy impulse, dominates the market.
Electronic inks represent the latest development in inks that is expected to change the concept of printing itself. These inks are now used in sign boards, and the display can be changed electronically, without resorting to liquid crystal displays (LCDs) or light emitting diodes (LEDs). Electronic inks change colour when an electric field is applied to them. The ink is made up of tiny bubbles of a dark coloured dye in which light coloured particles are suspended. These plastic-encapsulated particles are printed on a conductive material and some look light and some look dark when electricity is applied, so creating images. Normally the ink is not visible and reveals images only on applying electricity. Microcapsules of proprietary particulate materials mixed with the appropriate binders form the main constituents of these inks.


A device used to store charge in an electrical circuit. A capacitor functions much like a battery, but charges and discharges much more efficiently (batteries, though, can store much more charge).
A basic capacitor is made up of two conductors separated by an insulator, or dielectric. The dielectric can be made of paper, plastic, mica, ceramic, glass, a vacuum or nearly any other nonconductive material. Some capacitors are called electrolytics, meaning that their dielectric is made up of a thin layer of oxide formed on a aluminum or tantalum foil conductor.
Capacitor electron storing ability (called capacitance) is measured in Farads. One Farad is actually a huge amount of charge (6,280,000,000,000,000,000 electrons to be exact), so we usually rate capacitors in microfarads (uF = 0.000,001F) and picofarads (pF = 0.000,000,000,001F ). Capacitors are also graded by their breakdown (i.e., smoke) voltage. Capacitors rated for lower voltages are generally smaller in size and weight; you don't want to use too low a voltage rating, though, unless you enjoy replacing burnt-out capacitors in your creation.
For BEAMbots, you'll need to know about 2 main types of capacitors:

Non-polarized fixed capacitor ImageImage A non-polarized ("non polar") capacitor is a type of capacitor that has no implicit polarity -- it can be connected either way in a circuit. Ceramic, mica and some electrolytic capacitors are non-polarized. You'll also sometimes hear people call them "bipolar" capacitors.

Polarized fixed capacitor Image
A polarized ("polar") capacitor is a type of capacitor that have implicit polarity -- it can only be connected one way in a circuit. The positive lead is shown on the schematic (and often on the capacitor) with a little "+" symbol. The negative lead is generally not shown on the schematic, but may be marked on the capacitor with a bar or "-" symbol. Polarized capacitors are generally electrolytics.
Note that you really need to pay attention to correctly hooking a polarized capacitor up (both with respect to polarity, as well as not pushing a capacitor past its rated voltage). If you "push" a polarized capacitor hard enough, it is possible to begin "electrolyzing" the moist electrolyte. Modern electrolytic capacitors usually have a pressure relief vent to prevent catastrophic failure of the aluminum can (but don't bet your eyesight on this).

Capacitor types

 Capacitor types

There are many different types of capacitor that can be used - most of the major types are outlined below:
  • Ceramic capacitor:   The ceramic capacitor is a type of capacitor that is used in many applications from audio to RF. Values range from a few picofarads to around 0.1 microfarads. Ceramic capacitors are by far the most commonly used type of capacitor being cheap and reliable and their loss factor is particularly low although this is dependent on the exact dielectric in use. In view of their constructional properties, these capacitors are widely used both in leaded and surface mount formats Read more about the ceramic capacitor
  • Electrolytic capacitor:   Electrolytic capacitors are a type of capacitor that is polarised. They are able to offer high capacitance values - typically above 1μF, and are most widely used for low frequency applications - power supplies, decoupling and audio coupling applications as they have a frequency limit if around 100 kHz. Read more about the electrolytic capacitor
  • Tantalum capacitor:   Like electrolytic capacitors, tantalum capacitors are also polarised and offer a very high capacitance level for their volume. However this type of capacitor is very intolerant of being reverse biased, often exploding when placed under stress. They must also not be subject to high ripple currents or voltages above their working voltage. They are available in both leaded and surface mount formats. Read more about the tantalum capacitor
  • Silver Mica Capacitor:   Silver mica capacitors are not as widely used these days, but they still offer very high levels of stability, low loss and accuracy where space is not an issue. They are primarily used for RF applications and and they are limited to maximum values of 1000 pF or so. Read more about the silver mica capacitor
  • Polystyrene Film Capacitor:   Polystyrene capacitors are a relatively cheap form of capacitor but offer a close tolerance capacitor where needed. They are tubular in shape resulting from the fact that the plate / dielectric sandwich is rolled together, but this adds inductance limiting their frequency response to a few hundred kHz. They are generally only available as leaded electronics components.
  • Polyester Film Capacitor:   Polyester film capacitors are used where cost is a consideration as they do not offer a high tolerance. Many polyester film capacitors have a tolerance of 5% or 10%, which is adequate for many applications. They are generally only available as leaded electronics components.
  • Metallised Polyester Film Capacitor:   This type of capacitor is a essentially a form of polyester film capacitor where the polyester films themselves are metallised. The advantage of using this process is that because their electrodes are thin, the overall capacitor can be contained within a relatively small package. The metallised polyester film capacitors are generally only available as leaded electronics components.
  • Polycarbonate capacitor:   The polycarbonate capacitors has been used in applications where reliability and performance are critical. The polycarbonate film is very stable and enables high tolerance capacitors to be made which will hold their capacitance value over time. In addition they have a low dissipation factor, and they remain stable over a wide temperature range, many being specified from -55°C to +125°C. However the manufacture of polycarbonate dielectric has ceased and their production is now very limited. Read more about the polycarbonate capacitor
  • Polypropylene Capacitor:   The polypropylene is sometimes used when a higher tolerance is necessary than polyester capacitors offer. As the name implies, this capacitor uses a polypropylene film for the dielectric. One of the advantages of the capacitor is that there is very little change of capacitance with time and voltage applied. They are also used for low frequencies, with 100 kHz or so being the upper limit. They are generally only available as leaded electronics components.
  • Glass capacitors:   As the name implies, this type of capacitor uses glass as the dielectric. Although expensive, these capacitors offer very high levels or performance in terms of extremely low loss, high RF current capability, no piezo-electric noise and other features making them ideal for many performance RF applications.

Standard Capacitor Values

Over time, a series of standard capacitor values have evolved, just as with resistors and inductors. Capacitors are available in a huge range of package styles, voltage and current handling capacities, dielectric types, quality factors, and many other parameters. Still, they largely hold to this range of values.

Capacitors are one of the four fundamental types of passive electronic components; the other three are the inductor, the resistor, and the memristor. The basic unit of capacitance is the Farad (F).

In order to obtain other values of capacitance, it is necessary to use parallel and/or series combinations. Often, complex combinations are used in order to satisfy multiple requirements such as handling large voltages while still providing the correct amount of capacitance.

If it is necessary to provide occasional tuning of a circuit, then it is necessary to use a variable capacitor. That can take the form of a manually adjusted capacitor, or an electrically tuned capacitor like a varactor diode (varicap).

These fixed capacitor values are the most commonly found

Common Capacitor Working Voltages (DC), By Capacitor Type
CeramicElectrolyticTantalumMylar (Polyester)Mylar (Metal Film)

Circuit Schematic Symbols

Circuit Schematic Symbols

Note: The schematics symbols for most major electrical components can be found in this table. However, each component may have numerous possible representations. In cases where there is more than one common symbol we have tried to give an alternate representation.


[Schematic Symbol]

And Gate

[Schematic Symbol]

Antenna, Balanced

[Schematic Symbol]

Antenna, General

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Antenna, Loop, Shielded

[Schematic Symbol]

Antenna, Loop, Unshielded

[Schematic Symbol]

Antenna, Unbalanced

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Attenuator, Fixed

[Schematic Symbol]

Attenuator, Variable

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

Capacitor, Feedthrough

[Schematic Symbol]

Capacitor, Fixed, Nonpolarized

[Schematic Symbol]

Capacitor, Fixed, Polarized

[Schematic Symbol]

Capacitor, Ganged, Variable

[Schematic Symbol]

Capacitor, General

[Schematic Symbol]

Capacitor, Variable, Single

[Schematic Symbol]

Capacitor, Variable, Split-Stator

[Schematic Symbol]

Cathode, Cold

[Schematic Symbol]

Cathode, Directly Heated

[Schematic Symbol]

Cathode, Indirectly Heated

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Cavity Resonator

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

Circuit Breaker

[Schematic Symbol]

Coaxial Cable

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Crystal, Piezoelectric

[Schematic Symbol]

Delay Line

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Diode, General

[Schematic Symbol]

Diode, Gunn

[Schematic Symbol]

Diode, Light-Emitting

[Schematic Symbol]

Diode, Photosensitive

[Schematic Symbol]

Diode, Photovoltaic

[Schematic Symbol]

Diode, Pin

[Schematic Symbol]

Diode, Varactor

[Schematic Symbol]

Diode, Zener

[Schematic Symbol]

Directional Coupler

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Exclusive-Or Gate

[Schematic Symbol]

Female Contact, General

[Schematic Symbol]

Ferrite Bead

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Ground, Chassis

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Ground, Earth

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

Headphone, Double

[Schematic Symbol]

Headphone, Single

[Schematic Symbol]

Inductor, Air-Core

[Schematic Symbol]

Inductor, Bifilar

[Schematic Symbol]

Inductor, Iron-Core

[Schematic Symbol]

Inductor, Tapped

[Schematic Symbol]

Inductor, Variable

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Integrated Circuit

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

Jack, Coaxial

[Schematic Symbol]

Jack, Phone, 2-Conductor

[Schematic Symbol]

Jack, Phone, 2-Conductor Interrupting

[Schematic Symbol]

Jack, Phone, 3-Conductor

[Schematic Symbol]

Jack, Phono

[Schematic Symbol]

Key, Telegraph

[Schematic Symbol]

Lamp, Incandescent

[Schematic Symbol]

Lamp, Neon

[Schematic Symbol]

Male Contact, General

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

Nand Gate

[Schematic Symbol]

Negative Voltage Connection

[Schematic Symbol]

Nor Gate

[Schematic Symbol]

Operational Amplifier

[Schematic Symbol]

Or Gate

[Schematic Symbol]

Outlet, Utility, 117-V

[Schematic Symbol]

Outlet, Utility, 234-V

[Schematic Symbol]

Photocell, Tube

[Schematic Symbol]

Plug, Phone, 2-Conductor

[Schematic Symbol]

Plug, Phone, 3-Conductor

[Schematic Symbol]

Plug, Phono

[Schematic Symbol]

Plug, Utility, 117-V

[Schematic Symbol]

Plug, Utility, 234-V

[Schematic Symbol]

Positive Voltage Connection

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Probe, Radio-Frequency

[Schematic Symbol]

Rectifier, Semiconductor

[Schematic Symbol]

Rectifier, Silicon-Controlled

[Schematic Symbol]

Rectifier, Tube-Type

[Schematic Symbol]

Relay, DPDT

[Schematic Symbol]

Relay, DPST

[Schematic Symbol]

Relay, SPDT

[Schematic Symbol]

Relay, SPST

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Saturable Reactor

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

Signal Generator

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Switch, DPDT

[Schematic Symbol]

Switch, DPST

[Schematic Symbol]

Switch, Momentary-Contact

[Schematic Symbol]

Switch, Rotary

[Schematic Symbol]

Switch, SPDT

[Schematic Symbol]

Switch, SPST

[Schematic Symbol]

Terminals, General, Balanced

[Schematic Symbol]

Terminals, General, Unbalanced

[Schematic Symbol]

Test Point

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

Transformer, Air-Core

[Schematic Symbol]

Transformer, Iron-Core

[Schematic Symbol]

Transformer, Tapped Primary

[Schematic Symbol]

Transformer, Tapped Secondary

[Schematic Symbol]

Transistor, Bipolar, npn

[Schematic Symbol]

Transistor, Bipolar, pnp

[Schematic Symbol]

Transistor, Field-Effect, N-Channel

[Schematic Symbol]

Transistor, Field-Effect, P-Channel

[Schematic Symbol]

Transistor, Metal-Oxide, Dual-Gate

[Schematic Symbol]

Transistor, Metal-Oxide, Single-Gate

[Schematic Symbol]

Transistor, Photosensitive

[Schematic Symbol]

Transistor, Unijunction

[Schematic Symbol]

Tube, Diode

[Schematic Symbol]

Tube, Pentode

[Schematic Symbol]

Tube, Photomultiplier

[Schematic Symbol]

Tube, Tetrode

[Schematic Symbol]

Tube, Triode

[Schematic Symbol]

Unspecified Component

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]


[Schematic Symbol]

Wires, Connected, Crossing

[Schematic Symbol]

[Schematic Symbol]

Wires, Not Connected, Crossing

[Schematic Symbol]